
Tips To Get Your Kids Off The Video Game Console

Video games are exciting; it is true, every title, every new release awakens the hunger of consumers to get it and immerse themselves in its graphics. It is not about demonizing them; it is well known how beneficial they are for motor coordination, concentration, perceptual processing, and executive functions, but for some years now, there has been concern about the time consumers, particularly children, and teenagers spend playing them, the damage that spending so much time in front of the screens causes to their vision, the sedentary lifestyle as a side effect and the decrease in their social skills, not to mention the psychological impact that the violent nature of some titles can trigger.

A further concern is that, like most activities, it also has contraindications, i.e., the possibility of developing dependence, mainly because they are engaging and rewarding activities.

It is increasingly common to see young children engrossed in front of their portable devices. Although the entertainment of the little ones at home is something fundamental, parents must discern between activities that are beneficial for them and those that do not contribute to their growth.

Nowadays, it is widespread to see children that, due to their low level of physical activity, are reaching early diseases such as obesity. Therefore, for a child not to be sedentary, parents, schools, and other people involved in their education should encourage physical activity linked to fun and playfulness in childhood.

Children can learn by playing: learning to work in a team, relate to other people, and develop motor skills and communication skills.  Among the options available to combat boredom and monotony in children and to interact with other children are inflatable games. One of the favorite activities of children between the ages of 5 and 14 is jumping on inflatable games.

The first inflatable play structure was created in 1959 by John Scurlock in Shreveport, Louisiana, who designed a bouncy platform to simulate a walk on the moon, which is why his invention was called Space Walk; these inflatable covers were used on tennis courts because Scurlock realized that his employees enjoyed jumping on the surfaces. In the mid-sixties, Space Walk’s invention had the walls added, becoming bounce houses or bounce houses. Years later, John Scurlock’s wife started the first inflatable rental company.

Currently, the inflatable games are not limited only to the already known cube; the sizes and designs are very numerous; one of the favorites of the girls is the Minnie mouse bounce house, the smiles of the little ones while they climb it, play with the other children and jump is priceless.

As for the physical benefits that this type of inflatable games bring to the little ones, whether it is a Minnie mouse bounce house or one of those structures that have walls, ropes, obstacles, and slides, first of all, by walking on it, the little ones instinctively adjust their center of gravity, improve their motor coordination and the control they have over their arms and legs. Then, when they start jumping, it is evident that they are doing cardiovascular exercise so that when the time comes, your little one will fall into a deep and peaceful sleep.

If the play is outdoors, the rhythm of deep, rapid breathing caused by jumping and moving will renew the air stored in their lungs. The sun’s rays will help them better absorb calcium and vitamin D – don’t forget to put sunscreen on them – plus they’ll be interacting with other children, which will help them with their social skills and teamwork. Best of all, their laughter and happiness will flood the atmosphere!